TruSculpt ID in Provo, UT

TruSculpt ID in Provo, UT

TruSculpt ID

TruSculpt ID is an advanced body sculpting treatment offered at Genesis Medical Spa in Provo, UT. We are proud to be the first Utah County office to provide this treatment in an exclusive partnership with Cutera®. This non-invasive procedure uses radiofrequency technology to target and destroy stubborn fat cells, which results in a more sculpted and toned appearance. TruSculpt ID treats various areas of the body, such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and arms.

This treatment is suitable for both men and women looking to improve their body contour and reduce localized areas of fat. Results from TruSculpt ID can be seen immediately, with noticeable firming, improved skin tone and texture, and some fat reduction. However, it takes time for the body to eliminate the treated fat cells, and maximum results are typically achieved around 12 weeks after the treatment. The results of TruSculpt ID are long-lasting, as the targeted fat cells are removed permanently from the body. If you’re ready to experience the benefits of TruSculpt ID, book an appointment today at Genesis Medical Spa in Provo, UT.

Benefits of TruSculpt ID include


TruSculpt ID is suitable for almost anyone. This particular treatment has no BMI (body mass index) or weight restrictions, unlike other non-invasive fat removal treatments, such as SculpSure or Cool Sculpting. 

Results like firming, improved skin tone and texture, and some fat reduction are immediately noticeable. However, optimal results are achieved at 12 weeks, as fat cells are removed over time. 

The results of TruSculpt ID are long-lasting, as destroyed fat cells are eliminated permanently from the body. 

There is no downtime or recovery period with TruSculpt ID, and side effects, such as redness or mild discomfort during the treatment, are minimal. 

Before the treatment, we recommend hydrating well and avoiding excessive sun exposure. After the treatment, you can go back to your regular activities immediately. 

No, this treatment is not painful. You may feel intense heat at the very beginning of the treatment, but will gradually adjust to the feeling. Some patients say it feels like a warm stone massage. 

95% of our patients will only require one treatment per area! We can treat multiple areas (as many as three) in a single 15-minute session. 

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