Sculptra in Provo, UT

Sculptra in Provo, UT


Sculptra stimulates the production of collagen, restoring volume in the skin and improving the appearance of wrinkles for a natural, long-lasting result. Unlike other fillers that merely fill in wrinkles and lines, Sculptra stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, which in turn helps restore facial volume and smooth out wrinkles and folds. Common areas treated with Sculptra include the cheeks, temples, and nasolabial folds, but its versatility allows it to be used in various regions of the face.

Ideal for individuals seeking a subtle, gradual improvement in their skin’s appearance, Sculptra offers a non-surgical solution to age-related volume loss. The results aren’t immediate; they develop over time as the body produces more collagen. Typically, patients notice visible improvements within a few weeks post-treatment, with optimal results appearing after several sessions. The effects of Sculptra are long-lasting, often enduring for up to two years or more. If you’re considering a non-invasive approach to facial rejuvenation, Genesis Medical Spa in Provo, UT, invites you to discover the benefits of Sculptra. Book your appointment today and take the first step towards a refreshed and youthful appearance.

Benefits of Sculptra

Areas of Treatment


Sculptra effectively addresses facial volume loss, enhancing skin texture and appearance. By stimulating the body’s natural collagen production, it smooths out wrinkles and folds, restoring a youthful fullness to areas like the cheeks, temples, and nasolabial folds.

Body Skin Tightening

For those seeking firmer and more toned skin, Sculptra offers a solution for body skin tightening. Promoting collagen growth helps improve skin elasticity and reduce sagging, resulting in a tighter and more refined skin appearance.

Cellulite Treatment

Sculptra is a game-changer in the battle against cellulite. By targeting the underlying causes of cellulite, it helps to smooth out dimples and uneven skin texture. The collagen stimulation process improves the skin’s structure, reducing the appearance of cellulite and giving a smoother finish.

Booty Enhancement

Sculptra provides a lift and contour to the buttocks for a non-surgical approach to booty enhancement. By stimulating collagen production, it adds volume and shape, resulting in a fuller, firmer, and more sculpted appearance without invasive surgery.


Anyone experiencing facial volume loss or the appearance of deep wrinkles and folds may be a good candidate for Sculptra. However, a consultation with a professional at Genesis Medical Spa in Provo, UT, is essential to determine individual suitability.

Sculptra results develop gradually over time. Most patients notice improvements within a few weeks post-treatment, with optimal results becoming apparent after a series of sessions.

The effects of Sculptra are durable, often lasting up to two years or more. However, individual results may vary based on skin type, age, and lifestyle.

Sculptra treatments typically require minimal downtime. Some patients might experience temporary side effects like redness, swelling, or tenderness at the injection site, but these usually subside within a few days.

Before the treatment, avoid taking blood-thinning medications or supplements. After the treatment, it’s recommended to gently massage the treated areas and avoid excessive sun exposure.

During a Sculptra session at Genesis Medical Spa in Provo, UT, a trained professional administers a series of small injections to the targeted areas. The procedure is relatively quick, and discomfort is typically minimal, with many patients comparing it to a slight pinch.

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