SkinPen® Microneedling in Provo, UT

SkinPen® Microneedling in Provo, UT

SkinPen® Microneedling

SkinPen Microneedling is a cutting-edge aesthetic treatment offered by Genesis Medical Spa in Provo, UT. This treatment uses a device to induce micro-injuries, promoting natural skin healing and enhancing collagen and elastin production. It rejuvenates areas like the face, neck, and hands, targeting wrinkles, scars, and other blemishes. It is possible to see results after one treatment, but multiple treatments often yield the best, long-lasting outcomes.

SkinPen Microneedling with PRP enhances the effects of the standard microneedling procedure by incorporating Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). PRP, sourced from the patient’s own blood, contains growth factors that enhance the skin’s healing and rejuvenation. When combined with SkinPen Microneedling, PRP can amplify the results, leading to even smoother, firmer, and more radiant skin. Experience the enhanced benefits of this combined treatment at Genesis Medical Spa in Provo, UT. Don’t wait to achieve your skin goals; book your appointment today!

Benefits of SkinPen Microneedling


Most individuals seeking to improve skin texture, reduce scars, or minimize fine lines and wrinkles are good candidates for SkinPen Microneedling. It’s suitable for various skin types and concerns. 

While some improvements are noticeable after just one session, optimal results typically require multiple treatments. The skin’s appearance improves over several weeks as collagen and elastin production increases.

The duration of results varies based on individual factors, but you will typically begin seeing the benefits of your SkinPen treatment about four weeks after you are treated. Regular maintenance treatments can prolong the effects. 

Adding PRP enhances the effects of microneedling by providing growth factors that boost the skin’s healing and rejuvenation process. This combination often results in smoother, firmer, and more radiant skin. 

SkinPen Microneedling is minimally invasive with little to no downtime. Your skin will appear bright red immediately following the procedure. Your skin will feel slightly raw and sensitive, similar to a sunburn. This redness will typically last 3 –5 days ,depending on your skin tone. 

Before the treatment, avoiding sun exposure and certain skincare products is recommended. Post-treatment, clients should follow the provided aftercare instructions, which may include avoiding direct sunlight, using gentle skincare products, and keeping the skin moisturized. 

Microneedling creates a controlled wound in the skin that stimulates your body’s natural healing response. It creates thousands of microchannels, or “controlled injuries,” that trigger your skin’s natural healing response, stimulating the growth of radiant new collagen and elastin for smoother, more youthful-looking skin. 

Your aesthetician will apply numbing cream 15–20 minutes before your treatment to ensure comfort for the duration of microneedling. The tip of the SkinPen holds microneedles that penetrate the skin with controlled speed and varying depths. Your aesthetician will choose the depth to best treat your skin concerns/conditions. 

The number of treatments required will be dependent on your skincare goals. For correction of a specific skin concern (fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, etc.), we recommend doing a series of three SkinPen treatments, four weeks apart. We then recommend doing a maintenance treatment every six months to one year. 

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